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Tamil Jathagam Online - தமிழ் ஜாதகம்

All kind of astrology uses we need personal horoscope in perfect structure for ease of uses.

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    Our Services

    Perfect Jathagam


    Tamil Jathagam online are using our personal jathagam for multiple purpose like giving astrologer for life prediction, share with other for marriage alliance and more. Before taking we should watch out these things.

    • Clear and easy portable format.
    • Calculation should be exact.
    • Panjangam Type.
    • Basic horoscope details.
    • Advanced horoscope details.
    • Jathagam kattam in soft copy.

    Panjangam Type


    Astrology believers know about panjangam, but not aware about technical details contain inside panjangam. Ancient times people used to calculate the days based on various methods panjangam is followed by Indian astrologers.

    Every panjangam contains five elements include yogam, karanam, tithi, natcharam and varam Indian astrologer followed two types of panjangam one is vakiyam or paampu panjangam another one is called thirukanitham.

    • Vakiyam Panjangam :

    Design and developed by ancient Indian astrologers, according to the structured data new generation followed to generate panjangam till data.

    • Tirukanitha Panjangam :

    Panjangam followed by the same structure of vakiyam but the data and calculation based on the astronomical data provide by astronaut. Most astrologer prefer thirukanitha panjangam because of the accuracy. One page horoscope Followed by thirukanitham.

    Lot of debates between the topic we will consider this information for knowledge, lot of astrology software followed by thirukanitham because the data from the astronauts are being calculated and proven Technically.

    Basic Horoscope Details

    • Nirayana Spudam :

    Degree of every planet position, represent the planet standing position and helps to calculate the position of standing star of the planet. Planet standing stars rules the standing planets.

    • Panjang Details :

    Your birth yogam, natchatiram, tithi, karanam and vaaram in your birth horoscope is called panjangam details, these details should highlight. Astrologer mostly used these details to predict your basic behaviour. Even your genma natchatram tell your half of the behaviour.

    • Dasa Irupu :

    Udumaga dasa consist what planet rule you at the time of your birth and balance of the ruling planet according to that your next dasa and puthi will assign in your udumaga dasa.

    • Udumaga Dasa :

    continues from dasa irupu, the ruling planet activate your bhavas as per parasarar astrology mystery. It help astrologer of your current activating bhavas.

    • Rasi Chart ( Rasi Kattam) :

    Position of each planet into twelve houses this placement called rasi chart. Each bava in your rasi chart tell about you and Each bavathipath leads you. If bhavam and bavathipathi are in good position your life will be smooth.

    • Navamsa Chart ( Navamsa Kattam) :

    Like Rasi chart its also place planets inside easy house based on planet standing stars. Importance of showing navamsa chart is to predict about your life partner.


    Advanced Horoscope Details


    Every individual knows that horoscope details is used to predict our future, but there is a mystery inside every charts.Jathagam online give us only basic astrology details as we shows above but for accuracy we need all divisional chart for in-depth analysis like difference of viewing object in lens and microscope.

    From one page, astrologer can predict 70 percent of over all bhavas but divisional chart ( Varga Chakaram) will give us more accuracy.

    Advance horoscope details includes

    Using our personal jathagam for multiple purpose like giving astrologer for life prediction, share with other for marriage alliance and more. Before taking we should watch out these things.

    • Bava Char ( Bhava Kattam)
    • Astavargam
    • Vargachakaram ( Divisional Chart)
    • List of all udumaga dasa include dasa buthi year wise
    • List of all antharam month wise.
    • Sathbalam, strength of all planets for your horoscope.

    Advantage of Advance horoscope details


    Onepagehoroscope gives you 25 years of dasa and dasa puthi details, astrologer ca easily identify the running dasa. Based on the running dasa he predict planets activating houses and predict our current problems and solutions.

    • Astavarga Palan :

    In this report we give you astavargam, astavargam shous your early prediction with the help of sun moving planet.

    • Vargachakaram :

    Every divitional chart is called vargachakaram, gives root view of your horoscope. Each vargachakram have different prediction of your tamil jathagam onine

    In Vedic astrology your horoscope is the very most important document for your life prediction. Tamil jathagam online calculating every charts for you followed by ancient procedure written by our ancient astrologers. One page horoscope provides you more accuracy in you horoscope calculation.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • What is One Page Horoscope?

    • How accurate are the horoscope predictions?

    • How is the Birth Horoscope report created?

    • How to read jathagam?

    • How do I order a Birth Horoscope report?

    • What information do I need to provide for the report?

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