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Marriage Biodata Format In Tamil
Tamil biodata For Marriage

Marriage biodata Format in Tamil usually contains information such as name, age, date of birth, religion, gotra, education, job details, profession of parents, siblings details, and hobbies. Most people also attach jathagam with their biodata, income, and partner expectations.

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Beautiful Designs

Stand out with our curated Marriage Biodata templates, designed to highlight your unique qualities. Select a format that best reflects your personality.

3 Easy Steps


Add Your Details

Enter your birth details, personal details, family details, contact details, and photo that you want to show on the marriage biodata.


Choose a Template

Choose a biodata design from our curated list of templates for a polished and professional profile.


Get Biodata on Whatsapp

Enter your number and email to receive your Marriage Biodata PDF directly via WhatsApp and email.

biodata for marriage in tamil

required details

Step 1

  • birth detailsbirth details
  • personal detailspersonal details
  • family detailsfamily details
  • contact detailscontact details
  • photophoto

Enter your birth details

Provide accurate details for the most precise report.

    * This marriage biodata is generating in Tamil.


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    tamil marriage biodata online

    Personal Details

    Marriage Biodata format in tamil document will include basic details such as your name, gender, date of birth, address, the names of your parents and your email address. You will also want to include information about your hobbies, passions, what you are good at and anything else you think the employer might need to understand you as a person.

    Family details

    Marriage Biodata format in tamil which includes Family details particulars are also important when writing marriage biodata. The complete information needs to be given of siblings with their spouses name and occupation if married. You can start with the name of your Father and his occupation, Mothers name and her occupation, followed by names of brothers and sisters.

    marriage biodata format
    marriage biodata format in word

    education & Professional Details

    Marriage Biodata Format In Tamil including your educational background in your biodata helps potential partners and their families to understand what level of education you have attained. This is important because some families may pick partners for their children based on their educational level.

    Marriage Biodata Format In Tamil Professional details your profession is another important detail to include in your marriage biodata. This helps potential partners and their families to understand what you do for a living, the nature of your work, your work schedule, career growth potential, and earning potential.


    Marriage Biodata Format In Tamil is The first thing that you should include in your biodata is a recent photograph of you. Photographs are important because they help potential partners to put a face to the name, and can give them an idea of what you look like.

    marriage biodata maker

    Marriage Biodata Features


    About Marriage biodata

    Personal and professional information included with your profile photo.


    PDF template

    Choose your favourite design and get your Tamil marriage biodata in email & whatsapp PDF format


    Marriage biodata format in tamil

    Easy to generate marriage Biodata with horoscope( Rasi & Navamsa kattam ) for marriage proposal in few minutes


    Perfect Marriage biodata

    Biodata Formats for Marriage to help Girls and Boys to Create Beautiful CV for marriage to Impress their Matrimonial Proposals.


    Complete Marriage Biodata Template

    Marriage biodata plays a prominent role in arranged marriages. It is a permissible document which nurtures the authenticity of a person.

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