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Jathagam Online - Easy PDF Jathagam Online

Jathagam Online

Jathagam online is a Tamil word, also called birth chart. We know jathagam is used to analyse the future with the help of planetary position from the 12 houses.

Enter your jathagam details

Provide accurate details for the most precise horoscope report.

    date of birth
    birth time

    * Your horoscope will be generated in Tamil

    Step by Step to create Jathagam

    Before creating jathagam we should have basic details date of birth, birth time and birth location be ready with these details if you know before thats grate.

    Setp: 1

    Login to one page

    onepage horoscope 12 houses

    Step : 2

    Click on Birth horoscope form, it will open. use this input form to create your jathagam,

    onepage horoscope 12 houses

    Step : 3

    Fill the form with your basic details, Example

    Name : Ajith Kumar

    Gender : Male

    Birth Place : Chennai

    Date of birth : 01/05/2000

    Birth Time : 10:10 PM

    after filling details click genereate horoscope.

    Step : 4

    After creating the horosope, it shows your horoscope details.check details like your birth chart and birth horoscope sign to confirm your enterted the correct details.

    onepage horoscope 12 houses

    Setp : 5

    Click the download button. It will redirect you to the payment gateway. After the payment, you will receive the jathagam in PDF format on WhatsApp within 2 minutes

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