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Thirumana Porutham
திருமண பொருத்தம்

In this area,Jathagam Porutham plays a vital role in order to nullify any bad effects after marriage.

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This is what we generate in our detailed Thirumana Porutham evaluation report

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    The Bride

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      * This marriage matching report will generate in Tamil.

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      Report Contains

      Thirumana Porutham report is a decision taken by the bride and groom before they get married, jathaga porutham. This matching includes their marriage life, children, understanding, health, wealth, etc. In South India, they call it jathagam porutham.

      What onepage gives in marriage matching

      We compare the bride and groom stars and give them a detailed report on star matching. This star matching includes Dina porutham, Gana porutham, Mahendra Porutham, Yoni porutham, Rasi porutham, Rajju porutham, Vethai Porutham, Nadi porutham,Mara porutham

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      Dhosam Matching

      By birth, bride and groom dhosam have been fixed like chevvai dhosam, Ragu kethu dhosam, and all. We analyze both reports and give results based on their birth.

      jathagam porutham

      Dasa Matching

      Birth chart itself fixes the date of birth of the bride and groom. We have thirumana porutham check and analyze using technology whether they have kootu dasa.

      Dive into the Depths of Your Birth Chart Unlock the Secrets of Your Cosmic Blueprint Discover the Hidden Influences Shaping Your Destiny


      Natchathira Porutham

      Natchatira porutham basic of 12 should consider, each porutham have specific rules and advantages for bride and groom life. Out of 12 astrologer must consider 2 porutham is rajju porutham and yoni porutham if the natchatira porutham not give positive result then other porutham is not come for consideration.

      Most of all matching in internet is providing natchatira porutham is enough for to get conclusion for making marriage, its not right. Natchatira portuam is part of marriage matching report, but it cover only 50% of the total marriage matching.

      Rahu Ketu Dosham

      Ragu kethu dosham depends on two planets rahu and kethu. This impact of two planets between bride and groom will affect each other life. It is must to check this both bride and groom have ragu kethu dosham each other.

      Ragu planets lead to fantasy, desire and lot of imagination but kethu leads to individual, independence and detachment so matching bride and groom with out matching this dosham may mislead in their life.


      Sevvai dosham

      Sevvai dosham affect your marriage life in general, so Indian astrologers considering sevvai dosham matching bride or groom for marriage. Still lot of rules for considering sevvai dosham. Placement of sevvai in the birth horoscope depends on thar astrologer separating the jathagam as sevvai dosham jathagam.

      Placement of second position create lots of obstacle to arrange a happy family, sevvai in fourth house will affect your professional like frequent job shifting.

      Dasha Sandhi

      Dasha puthi is ruling period of a planet in every on horoscope  ( jathagam ), It vary from birth time of people. In future prediction ruling dasa is important, if the ruling dasa position in your jathagam give you benefice ( positive ) result then the total dasa period will be good at the particular dasa.

      Similarly if a ruling dasa position in your horoscope malfice (negative ) then you will be suffered between the dasa period. This particular result every tell that every individual has to face the effect even it is good or bad. But while making marriage it should consider because if both get good time then the family will be in heaven in other words if they get bad time the suffer will more, for that astrologer saying its important for marriage matching.

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