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Birth Chart in Tamil - தமிழ் ஜாதகம்

Life Horoscope In tamil

Birth chart in tamil also called as janana jathagam all we know that our birth chart is a report of our planetary position at our time of birth used for future prediction.

Why Birth chart in tamil is important ?

Astrologers in india specially in south india, rarely used horoscope book for future prediction. They are well experienced with prediciton with birth chart with only D1 and D9 chart

Widely used formate are unique but birth chart have a structured formate spreading around sount india, thse people using this birth chat fot not only for astrology prediction, searching birde and groom birth chart helps them for marriage matching compatibility.

Enter your jathagam details

Provide accurate details for the most precise horoscope report.

    date of birth
    birth time

    * Your horoscope will be generated in Tamil

    How Birth Chart Calculated ?

    • Most people assumed this calculation is based on astrology or astrologers only can handle this bith chart, the myth behind the calculating individual horoscope is a basic maths and physics

    • We know that to strucutre an birth horoscope there are some basic details include birth time, birth place and birth location is must but while you pass these information we only get raw data of planets position.

    • In astrology myth astrologers conculde that our earth have sligh deviation from narrow around the orbit, with a structred formula they coclude the postion of planet is called nirayana spudam. According to this calculation astrologers commit one individual birth horoscope.

    Stars Position Calculation

    Nirayana spudam is the key value for the calculation from that they dividing each starts and fixing a border value for individual 27 stars in the astrology. These 27 stars even divided into 4 pathas ( நட்சத்திர பதம்). Placed ment of the planets according to the start position is heplful for future prediciton about how the planets affecting with particular dasa period

    Important of knowing

    • Indian culture is knowing birth star and birth rasi is important, they beliving according to the planet people identifying one individual basic behaviour

    • Birth chart tamil gives you every thing about your future with one page horosope


    Righ birth chart calculation help for right future prediciton even you are in dificult situation. Its all about for astrology belivers who realy getgine benifits with following astrologers words. We one page horoscope gives you perfect calculation to your bright future.

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