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Investing in the stock market and earning profits has become a common mindset among educated people in todays era. At one time, only well-educated upper-class people dominated the stock market. But times have changed, and even the middle class is now learning the rules of the stock market, investing, and earning profits. But at the same time, there are also those who suffer huge losses and failures in it. According to astrology in stock market, we can know who will make a profit and who will incur a loss in the stock market.
According to Kala Purusha , the 5th sin represents stock market trading, therefore, it is essential to analyze the the position of the 5th Bhava and its lord in ones birth chart.
The 8th sin is sudden income through the stock market, the source of earning money without physical labor. The 8th house and the position of its lord should be strong. If a benefic planet comes as the 8th lord or if a benefic planet is in the 8th house, one can achieve substantial profit in the stock market.
If the 9th lord is strengthened in a good position in the birth chart and there is no association of the benefics then the native will be lucky to see good profits in all investments in the stock market.
The 10th house is the house of livelihood. If the 5th lord is in the 10th house, or if the 10th lord is in the 5th house in a persons natal chart, the person will make investing in the stock market their profession.
The 11th house is the house of gains. For a person to make a profit in the stock market, the 11th house and its lord in their birth chart must be strong and well-placed.
The lord of Gemini, Mercury becomes the principal agent of stock trading. Mercury is the cause of character and intelligence. If Mercury is in exaltation or in a strong position in a persons birth chart, the person will invest in the right stocks at the right time and make significant profits.
Rahu is the cause of illusions and actions that are hidden from the eyes. Stock market is a business where one uses intellect to buy or sell based on documents related to another persons business, even if it is not directly connected to them. If Rahu is in conjunction with Lagna, Lagna lord, 5th lord or 10th lord in birth chart the person will see huge gains in stock market.
Natural Subra and Natural Dhana Karaka Jupiter Bhagavan is the planet that represents fortune in stock market. If Jupiter is connected with the 11th house of gains in a persons birth chart, the native will experience good profits in the stock market. If Jupiter is not connected with the 11th house, the profits gained from the stock market will also bring karmic consequences to the native. If Jupiter is connected with the 11th house, the profits gained from the stock market will bring satisfaction to the person.
If the Moon, the significator of the mind, is strong in a persons birth chart (in exaltation, in rulership, or in a waxing moon), the person will make daily investments in the stock market and earn profits every day. Furthermore, as the Moon, the significator of the mind, becomes strong, the person will correctly invest in profitable stocks through their intuition and achieve great success.
If there is a connection between the lords of the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 10th, and 11th houses, the person will make stock trading their main profession and achieve success. If the 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th houses and their lords are in rulership or exaltation (without any connection or conjunction with malefic planets), the person will earn high profits in the stock market under the name of luck.
Even if the natural benefic and the karaka for wealth, Jupiter, is connected with the 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 11th houses or their lords, the person will gain significant profits in the stock market.
If the 8th lord is strong in rulership and forms a connection with benefic planets in the birth chart, the person will experience sudden financial gains through the stock market.
For those born with Taurus ascendant and zodiac sign, Mercury, the significator planet for the stock market, rules the 2nd and 5th houses, while Jupiter rules the 8th and 11th houses. Since benefic planets Mercury and Jupiter rule the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses, which are crucial for stock market success, and if Rahu forms a connection with them, they are likely to achieve significant profits in the stock market.
For those born under Gemini ascendant and zodiac sign, the Moon, as the 2nd lord, enables them to generate daily income through daily investments in the stock market. However, since Jupiter, the significator of wealth, is a malefic lord for them, there is a possibility of making wrong financial decisions and incurring losses. Those with Gemini as their zodiac sign and ascendant, ruled by Mercury, possess great intelligence. However, due to excessive self-confidence, they may make wrong decisions and face financial losses.
For those born under Leo ascendant and zodiac sign, Mercury becomes the lord of the 2nd and 11th houses, and Jupiter becomes the lord of the 5th and 8th houses. Since Mercury and Jupiter, natural benefics, rule the wealth-related houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th), they have the potential for success in the stock market. Additionally, the 5th house signifies the stock market, and according to the Kalapurush principle, Leo represents the 5th house. Therefore, those born with Leo as their ascendant or zodiac sign have opportunities to succeed in the stock market.
For those born under Scorpio ascendant and zodiac sign, Jupiter rules the 2nd and 5th houses, while Mercury rules the 8th and 11th houses. Since the lords of the wealth-related houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th) are natural benefics, and Mercury is the significator of the stock market while Jupiter is the significator of wealth, these person also have the potential to gain profits in the stock market. Additionally, according to the Kalapurush principle, Scorpio represents the 8th house, which signifies sudden wealth, making these individuals likely to experience unexpected financial gains through the stock market.
Those born under Sagittarius ascendant and zodiac sign tend to have an interest in stock market investments. However, since Mercury, the significator of the stock market, is a malefic lord for them, it is essential for them to exercise caution while investing. In general, Sagittarius ascendant and zodiac individuals are talented, but their excessive confidence in their decisions can lead to wrong choices and financial losses. Additionally, as Mars, the 5th lord, is also the 12th lord, and Saturn, the 2nd lord, governs wealth matters, they are unlikely to achieve satisfying profits in the stock market.
For those born under Pisces ascendant and zodiac sign, Mars, as the 2nd lord, also rules the 9th house of fortune, and the Moon, as the 5th lord, signifies that they will see daily profits in the stock market and have fortunate opportunities for success. However, since Saturn, the 11th lord, is also the 12th lord, they may reinvest their profits and incur losses. Additionally, as Mercury, the significator of the stock market, is a malefic lord for them, it is crucial for them to exercise caution in their investments.