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Love Marriage Horoscope - Love marriage calculator


Love marriage Horoscope One Page Horoscope prepared an algorithm to check your marriage is love marriage or arranged marriage based on your 7th house position.

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      * This marriage matching report will generate in Tamil.

      Love marriage Horoscope

      One page horoscope provides a perfect astrological algorithm for love marriage and we named as love marriage compatible report. This Love marriage Horoscope  report will help people who are already loved some one? or your curious about your marriage life.

      Love Marriage is now common in our Indian marriage system these couples should know about basic compatible of doing marriage, it’s not a compulsory one actual report for astrology believer.

      Love Marriage in Astrology

      Analysis and prediction about your love life or marriage life in astrology you should know basic of astrological planets and houses of astrology. According to the planet position and the relationship to the houses helps you for this kind of prediction. Most astrologer have experience to predict the love marriage is in same cast or inter cast or inter religion we will get away from this because you are mutually commit each other.

      Important Houses for Love Marriage Prediction

      Important houses contribution more for the formation of love marriage are

      • Fifth House
      • Seventh House

      Some of the astrology indication will help you for the prediction are

      • Eight House
      • Eleventh House

      The above houses should consider in birth chart ( D1 ) or rasi chart in Tamil, in Varga Navassa chart ( D9 ) chart play important role for the prediction of marriage life, its an in-depth analysis.

      Fifth House

      Individual joy, happiness, love, relationships can predict using the fifth house in D! ( Rasi Chart ). This house is very important for the marriage or love marriage analysis. Lord of fifth house   have relationship with seventh house or the stars of the fifth house relate with seventh house or seventh house lord leads to love. this condition tell you that the individual have option of having love or not.

      Seventh House

      In every horoscope birth chart seventh house  refers to our life partner or partners, the compatible of planets in the seventh house exactly tell you about your life partner, if you have love marriage compatible according to the fifth house then you can confirm your marriage live according to seventh house.

      Also Seventh house is called marriage house, from this house you can know marriage happiness, sexual and romance compatible..

      Eighth House

      From the bride horoscope Eighth house  sider as mangalyambakyam or husband position. this will hold your passion and love importance and your success in your love marriage.

      Eleventh House

      Eleventh house is house of friendship, it shows your result, relationship, and social circle. it will clear your emotions and how you make strong bond in a relationship. The Eleventh house planets and starts how relating with other planets and houses will considering your love marriage horoscope.

      Important Planets for love marriage horoscope

      Yogam for love marriage horoscope depend on planets and houses, important planets given below.

      • Venus ( Sukran )
      • Mars ( Sevvai )
      • Rahu
      • Moon ( Chandran )
      • Mercury ( Puthan )


      Venus is manager of the marriage, charming, love, pleasure, feminine,, romantic these are the key role of the planet. The good position of Venus and influenced by other planets and houses will give you the result in love marriage horoscope. Venus know how to feel the love and how to express it to others. Strong Venus in your rasi chart give you happy in marriage life.


      Basic nature of mars is energy, manly, sex, aggressive, and passion. Mars position in you birth chart gives your focus and effort for your future. Reality of using mars in love marriage horoscope is how aggressive you are, if you are so aggressive your partner matching should be soft nature and less competitive to suits marriage life for both. Indian astrology checking mars compatible for bride and groom its one of the must following follow marriage matching. If bride or groom not compatible for mars match may cause divorce, separation or daily arguments, so kindly make this match with one of your best astrologers.


      Rahu is one of the extreme power plant in life matching it will give both positive and negative prediction based on the placement, predication of rahu is most important in love marriage. Ragu in Lagna with Jupiter in seventh house or first house the horoscope have beautiful path for love marriage.


      Moon tells your intelligence, your negative power, inside pressure and in marriage compatibility its must should consider with your life partner horoscope. Good placement of moon gives peaceful thinking, happiness and problem handling strength. In Love Marriage Horoscope especially for groom moon places an important game it gives the groom a beautiful bride to choose and make it happen.


      Role of mercury is communication, specially with opposite sex it give you strength how to communicate with the special situation. Its easy the friendship with our opposite sex. You should consider mercury for your marriage life, combination of mercury and Venus in fifth or seventh hose leads to happy love marriage horoscope.

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