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Chandrashtama Days | Chandrashtama Calculator 17-02-2025

ayyapan pakthargal therinchika vendiya visayangal

What is Chandrashtam?

Chandrashtama is one of the prediction like daily rasi palan, this calculation based on the moon transit to the eight house and their starts from your moon sign.

Moon transit into the eight house and it takes two and a half days to enter into ninth house, this period of transit is called chandtrashtama.In this period you should not engage with good things.

Chandrashtama Calculator
இன்று சந்திராஷ்டமம் காணும் நட்சத்திரங்கள்
Todays Chandrashtamam Nakshatras

நட்சத்திரம் , ம் பாதம் - ராசி

Before calculating chandrashtama for yours you should know your birth star, its easy to follow the procedure to chandrashtama calculator. Enter your basic details we will calculate your Jenma rasi and Jenma Natchatram ( Birth Star) according we will show you the chandrashtama days for this year. If you want more about chandrashtama and malfic for the particular day kindly read below.

Importance of chandrashtama Days

Vedic astrology astrologer myth is that our mind is rulled by moon, if you want to take clear decision for particular good things it will afftect your mind and may leads to end up with wrong decision. So astrologers suggest to not take important decision on that day and guide us to do your regular works insted of taking new decision.

We dont want to panic on these days it wont affect all stars towards malfic, the person who have birth in tarus and cancer these days wont affect. It will only give you positive solutions through out the days. According to daily rasi palan we should include the moon transit for better prediction.


  • Workship your holy god and all the planets and stars take aarthi will protect you to from wrong decision.
  • Workship lord shiva and child krishna.
  • Befor starts your day workship your Ancestors also an another remidies.
  • Donate milk to your nearest temple for abisekam.
  • Meditation is must for losing temper.

Things to avoid

  • You should not create a new project or new work on that day.
  • You should not fix your marriage and new relationship, should aware before entering into relationship.
  • You should not make a decision of your life changing events.
  • Should avoid travel for business and personal, may give you bad result.
  • You should be calm and be fruitful to others.

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